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Air Fryer Paleo Red Potatoes Recipe

 Air Fryer Paleo Red Potatoes Recipe


1 pound (480 g) of red potatoes, washed, unpeeled, and quartered

1½ tablespoons garlic-infused olive oil

1 teaspoon sea salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

avocado oil cooking spray


Preheat your air fryer to 400º F (200º C) for 10 minutes.

Place potatoes in a large bowl. Add garlic-infused oil ad toss potatoes well to coat evenly with the oil.

Sprinkle with salt and black pepper. Toss again.

Spray the air fryer basket with avocado oil spray.

Add seasoned potatoes and shake the basket to spread them evenly.

Cook for 21 minutes, tossing every 7 minutes.

Serve hot.


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