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Loaded Baked Potato Salad


Loaded Baked Potato Salad  



4 size potatoes

1/2 c mayonnaise

1/2 c sour cream


1/2 c shredded sharp cheddar cheese

4 tablesp_oons øf cru_shed stone or yellow mustard (to taste)


1/4 c chives

8 thick slices øf beef, cooked, crispy and chopped

Salt and freshly ground black pepper





In bowl, whis_king mayonnaise, sour cream, also mustard to well blended. Add_ing 3/4 øf chop chives with øf salt and pepper. whis_king to mix. Ad_ding cheese / beef (reserve some beef for garnish). Covering mixture and let it cool for 30 minutes.


Peeling potatoes and cut them to hal_ves / half pieces. Cook the potatoes in salt_ed water until the fork soft_ens. Strain and cool slightly. Fold the cooked potatoes into the cooled sauce. Garnish with remaining chives.




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